Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Day 8

Today was workout after workout, which is good right? Right now we have gorgeous sunny weather, so I've been taking advantage of it by running the park trails behind my house every morning. I love running those trails, it's so beautiful and peaceful. I'll share a pic so you can agree with me :)

Anyway, after that I did Week 2-workout 2. Does anyone else find that they work harder in workout 1, thus burning way more calories? I know I do..workout 2 for me burns like 100 less calories and I try to give it my all. I think there are more strength training positions maybe?

Finally in the evening when it had cooled off, but was still sunny out. My 5 year old and I walked to the park and played frisbee! We have this really awesome ultimate frisbee disc that flys through the air like you wouldn't believe. Had to do a lot of running around after that thing in the hour we played. Then it was off to the playground for a few games of hide and seek. See exercise can be fun!

Update on my weightloss: First week into the program and I lost 1.5lbs! I forgot to post this yesterday, since Monday's are my weigh-in days :)

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